
A friend of mine asked me to help her find a cool, vintage-ish looking leather backpack for her to wear once in awhile to school. (My friends name is Carly and she goes to graduate school at Columbia, smarty-pants).  This is something i have become very, very good at - finding pretty much anything you want online if you just give me a few key words. Knowing Carly's style already, i had an idea of what she was looking for. Seeing as though she wasn't sure if she would love using said leather backpack, she wanted to spend less than $70 and if she absolutely adored it, she might splurge again and buy something more expensive. Through my research, i found some really cool pieces that i wanted to share with you.

Dark Tan // 2 White // 3 Vintage // 4 Camel // 5 Deep Green // 
Black // 7 Red, old (similar) // 8 Light & Dark Tan

Carly ended up purchasing #1. I'll update this post on how it works out for her when i get her review!

1 comment:

  1. vintage-ish looking leather backpack for her to wear once in awhile to school.bosidu https://mybosidu.com/
